Endanger VR Series

Experience Mexico's virtual Black Howling Monkey, Geoffroy's Spider Monkey, GOLDEN EAGLE, JAGUAR, MEXICAN BOBCAT, OCELOT, TIGRILLO, JAGUARUNDI and worldwide 30 other endangered animals, their habitat loss & poachers traps from the animal's point of view. We immerse you in savannas, forests, oceans and jungles, around the planet. Our mission is to engage young players, families and educators in interactive conservation with the global environment. We captivate business brands in social, eco-branding while having a fun adventure with green planet issues. Find & save species from extinction globally in 36 distinct Endanger! VR games. You learn by experience and we offer the experience of endangerment on 6 continents.Our VR multi-platform Endanger! VR Game Series is an awe-inspiring, exuberant adventure into virtually solving the endangered animals' habitat loss, capture of poachers and threats to the animals' future.Through your effective remedies ... (Continues at Project Description)

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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