Coping with the flood (in Jakarta)

When the 'banjir' (flood) come, just come to my apartment room.
There's food, water, drinks, and bed for sleep.
I will instruct the Building Manager to build a helipad up there.
(Just in case that the flood is long (several weeks).
So, we can get suppies from the pad, and if you would like to get evacuated, you will have a good ride.
So, just come!
I'm at 20th floor.
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Hi Rudy! Great to see Indonesia being represented. To develop your idea further it would help to know what kind of idea it is. Is this a process idea? Is this a disaster planning idea where an apartment building has a plan to use apartments as disaster collection points? How would that plan be created? What's the system to coordinate? What kind of supplies would people need? Getting a bit more specific will help people understand flooding in Jakarata which is different than in other places.
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